Jul 17Liked by Jennifer Miller (she/her)

You've got a lot going on, Jennifer. Reading from the outside and imagining the inside, many i's to be dotted and t's crossed perhaps? Hopefully, lots of wiggle room, grace and realizing that where you are in this now moment took what it took. Moving forward will be one moment at a time as it has been and YOU are your wisest counsel and best healer. Trusting that you have been with yourself longer than anyone has and will feel into what feels helpful and what isn't. Gentle care as you do this in quarter pivots and don't expect a full 180. For me, that's when I tank myself before I've even begun. XO 🩵

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Quarter pivots for the win! 💜

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Jul 18Liked by Jennifer Miller (she/her)

Sending wishes for grace and serenity, Jennifer. All the hearts to you!

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Thank you, Dana. 💜

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